About CloudSource OA
Resource Topics
- Agriculture & Environment13
- Animals & Zoology17
- Arts & Humanities36
- Biographies24
- Business & Finance23
- College & Career Ready6
- Education10
- Geography15
- Government & Military22
- Health & Wellness18
- History35
- Homework Help20
- Law & Legal12
- Literature13
- Professional Development11
- Religion and Philosophy13
- Social Sciences35
- Spanish (Español)9
- Sports & Recreation14
- STEM33
- World Languages6
Open Access Collection: Digging Deeper into Research
CloudSource OA (CSOA) is an open access resource gateway to journal articles, open ebooks, eTextbooks, and other high-quality open educational resources (OER). CSOA helps users research almost everything.
An Open Access (OA) publication is a scholarly journal article, ebook, eTextbook or OER that is published through a funding model providing free full text access. CSOA provides easy access to over 60 million high quality, peer-reviewed, academic publications covering a broad range of subject areas such as health sciences; environment; computer science; business and economics; social sciences; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and many more.
CloudSource in an OA resource discovery tool provided by the Utah State Library Division.
Some useful search ideas…
- Accounting
- Alternative Energy Sources
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Animals & Zoology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automotive Development
- Biology
- Bitcoin Economics
- Chemistry
- Child Care
- Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Cybersecurity
- Earth Science
- Education & Teaching
- Family Medicine
- Finance, Money, & Trade
- First Responders
- Gaming Economics
- Geology
- Literacy
- Mental Health
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Oncology
- Paleontology
- Policing & Law Enforcement
- Politics & Political Science
- Psychology & Psychiatry
- Religion & Philosophy
- Social Media Marketing
- Sociology & Social Work
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Construction
- Wetlands Preservation
- Wildfire & Drought Management
- And Much, Much More